Sandler Rule #13: No One Gets into Your Head Without Your Permission


In this rule, we share valuable insights into the significance of emotional control in the sales profession. Stressing the power of maintaining healthy self-esteem, Sandler emphasizes that external factors should not impact one’s well-being. He advocates for confidence in abilities and resilience against external opinions.

The discussion underscores the mental aspect of sales, asserting that individuals can control their thoughts and responses. The key takeaways include the crucial role of self-esteem, the need to shield oneself from the emotional impact of sales outcomes, and the importance of confidence.

Sandler explained that our self-esteem should remain detached from the outcomes of sales calls. Sandler advocates for a mindset shift where winning or losing shouldn’t dictate our self-worth.

Pauline underscores personal control over our minds and destinies, emphasizing that our responses shape our future. Lissa highlights the mental aspect of sales, urging protection against external influences.

By separating personal worth from sales results, we approach interactions with confidence. Another theme is self-identification—knowing who we are independent of roles—which fosters resilience against external judgments.

Sandler’s advice to not let others control us underscores the importance of self-mastery in sales. This mindset shift, focused on value and relationships, yields far-reaching implications, enhancing empathetic client interactions and fostering resilience for sustained sales success.

Discuss this rule with your sales team and think about how you can apply it in your sales process. Find the book, How To Sell To The Modern Buyer, at Amazon or and subscribe to our channel, Sandler Worldwide, for the rest of the Sandler Rules!

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