Prospect the Sandler Way
Prospect the Sandler Way
The ultimate communication guide for salespeople looking to lead development by phone and over the Internet.
Relevant to all salespeople from every industry and channel.
Whether you’re new to Sandler concepts or a Sandler expert, there’s no better time to master effective prospecting, qualifying, and selling strategies via proven, timeless methods.
[AUTHOR] John Rosso
John Rosso is recognized nationally as a business-development expert, specializing in executive-sales consulting and sales-productivity training. John is a dynamic, enthusiastic speaker who informs, entertains, and motivates presidents, CEO’s, other senior managers and sales professionals. More than 200,000 sales professionals have listened to John speak, and more than 95 percent rate his content and presentation of sought-after selling solutions the best they’ve ever heard. His authentic, real-world approach to the sales process speaks to visionary business leaders who want the freedom success brings.
It’s been my privilege to work with John Rosso, who studied (as I did) directly under Mr. Sandler. I have seen first-hand how John has put the thirty principles laid out in this book into practical application in his own career and on behalf of his own training business. You can prove as much in your own world by committing the next thirty days to practicing, implementing, and reinforcing the concepts you will encounter in these pages. Your company will be glad you did, and so will you.
David Mattson President/CEO | Sandler Systems, Inc.
Sandler selling system principles for sales success.
Thirty core principles of 21st century stress-free lead development.
- Why “scripting” isn’t your biggest challenge when it comes to opening new opportunities.
- How to step away from the “nervous suitor” mentality in exchange to a patient, productive communication and exchange.
- How to navigate through gatekeepers while keeping our cool and actually enjoying the exercise.
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