Connect And Sell

Spend Your Valuable Pay-Time Talking To Prospects, Not Dialing And Waiting
Connect with Sandler
Do your reps talk to enough decisionmakers to be successful?
Did you know traditional outbound lead reps average less than 50 dials per day?
With Connect And Sell your reps can make over 1,000 dials per day!
From 50 to 1,000 calls per day.

Does your sales team struggle to:

  • Make enough new calls to hit your goals?
  • Have more conversations with less effort?
  • Blend your warm and cold calls?
  • Find the time to make prospecting calls?
  • Respond faster than the competition?
  • Identify low performing reps, scripts, or lists?
  • Create a playbook with the best of the best talk tracks?
Chances are you spend too much time trying to reach your intended contacts, and not enough of it in actual sales conversations.
The Solution

The Solution

The Connect And Sell solution combines best-in-class technology and a human touch to provide conversations quickly and offer a seamless transition from the auto-dialer to your conversation.

It includes a global network of highly trained agents who will work as your virtual assistants; navigating gate keepers, IVR’s, phone trees and other obstacles to talk time on your behalf.

Connect And Sell agents never speak to your prospect. Once your prospect says “hello”, you are injected into the conversation in a fraction of a second.



Spend more time selling and less time dialing.


Build, enhance and mine your database of contacts.


Follow up on leads on time, every time.


Update your contacts and activity records on the fly.


See benchmarks and productive reports for each salesperson.

How It Works
  • The Connect And Sell solution combines best-in-class technology and a human touch

    To provide conversations quickly and offer a seam- less transition from the auto-dialer to your conversation
  • Studies show that up to 97% of the people you dial will not initially pick up the phone,

    So Connect And Sell solution includes a global network of highly trained agents who will work as your virtual assistants; navigating gate keepers, IVR’s, phone trees and other obstacles to talk time on your behalf.
  • Connect And Sell agents never speak to your prospect.

    Once your prospect says “hello”, you are injected into the conversation in a fraction of a second. You should only spend your valuable pay-time talking to prospects, not dialing and waiting.
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The Perfect Combination

The Perfect Combination

Connect And Sell’s dialing system and the Sandler Selling System are the perfect combination to put your team on the path to success.