Are you prepared?

All too frequently, salespeople schedule appointments…and then forget about them until the day before the scheduled dates. Do you? Is preparation a last-minute activity often consisting of nothing more than a quick review of the notes from the original phone conversations when the appointments were scheduled…and perhaps a review of the prospects’ web sites, advertising, or marketing materials?
Can you answer the following questions about your next prospect appointment?
– What are the first three questions you’ll ask the prospect after you say, “Hello”? (Tweet this!)
– What questions will you ask to create rapport and get to know the prospect?
– What questions will you ask to explore the prospect’s need and hone in on the underlying reasons for or events that precipitated the need? (Tweet this!)
– What commitment(s) will you ask for if there is a fit between what the prospect needs and what you can provide?
If you haven’t identified and rehearsed the questions you’ll need to ask to start the meeting, explore the prospect’s requirements, qualify the opportunity, and systematically move the meeting to an appropriate conclusion, then you’re NOT prepared.